
The ELICIR solution is a scientific response, a 2nd generation elicitor, or signal molecules, which induces in agricultural plants a functional resistance to pathogens such as fungi (mildew, powdery mildew, rust,…), bacteria (Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas) or viruses (mosaic, jaundice,…).


The advantages
of the solution

  • Demonstrated effectiveness on diseases with no technological solution, neither chemical, nor mineral, nor biological.
  • ELICIR is biosourced with a food plant as a base, with total harmlessness.

Biostimulation Defence

First generations of elicitors, using molecules that simulate the residues of plant cell degradation, put cultivated plants in a defensive position against pathogens. These processes, which are somehow effective, consume energy at the expense of agricultural yield.
ELICIR, a second generation elicitor, succeeds in potentiating plant resistance. In contact with a pathogen, the plant’s natural mechanisms kick in very quickly and efficiently. The plant regains its original and functional resistance.

Résistance à la bactériose du noyer

ELICIR’s experimental work has been carried out in-house, in university laboratories, or within approved GHP and EPPO companies. Successful work has been carried out on many pathosystems involving fungal, bacterial or viral pathogens:

Lavender phytoplasma
• Powdery mildew on roses
• Downy mildew on grapevine
• Bacteriosis of walnut
Beet yellows
• Xylella on olive